Lose Weight
Stop Inflammation

Utilize the power of a proven method to lose 20+ pounds in six weeks, eating REAL food, without exercise.



I'm Ready to Lose Weight Now!

If you can answer YES to three or more of the statements below–this is the right program for you.

✔︎ You are at the end of your rope.

✔︎ Walking into the closet depresses you because you have multiple wardrobes that don't fit. 

✔︎ Your clothes keep getting tighter an tighter.

✔︎ You avoid selfies and family pictures because you don't feel good in your body.

✔︎ Your body hurts–it feels like you have a toothache in your knees and shoulders. 

✔︎ Every day you wake up tired because chronic pain has taken over your body through the night. 

✔︎ You have lost weight, gained it back, and then gained even more.

✔︎ You are committed to losing 20+ pounds in in the next six weeks. 

The AcuPlus Weight Loss Program™
It's Weight Loss Like you NEVER Imagined!

Meet Susan and Mike

Between the two of them, they lost 59 pounds in only SIX weeks!

Here's the fun part of this story. Susan decided to do the program
for herself. She is in her early 50's and couldn't get her menopausal weight under control. When her husband learned that she was planning to to do our program, he decided to jump in and join her for support.

In the end, we interviewed Mike. Here's what he had to say:

"By supporting my wife through the program, I 'accidentally' lost 35 pounds and I feel amazing!" 

~Susan's "Super Supportive Husband" Mike

Meet Michael 

He lost 29 pounds in six weeks and he continues to release weight on maintenance.

Michael has had a lifelong struggle with weight. He joined the program because he was tired of living an unhealthy life. He was tired at failing on so many levels. 

He wanted help and that is what he got! During his journey he learned structure and creativity. In the end: he broke bad habits, his tastebuds changed, he gained confidence, and he learned to cook! 

Meet Jeff and Melanie 

Between the two of them, they lost 40 pounds.

Melanie is turning 60 this year. She wanted to walk into her 60's feeling amazing. Jeff had begun developing a midlife pudge. He tried Keto and lost nothing. With weight gain, both of them were beginning to experience symptoms of inflammation.

Beyond the weight loss, they enjoyed growing together. Cooking, planning and accountability was fun. 

Meet Diane

Diane is 74. She was skeptical at first. She didn't believe she could lose weight. She'd tried many programs. She felt stuck with inflammation related problems: arthritis and chronic pain.  


At the end of the program, Diane released 15 pounds on the program and 7 more AFTER the program (22 pounds total). Diane says:
"I learned a lot about myself. I keep getting rid of stupid garbage I have been carrying around for years." 

Meet Annette

Meet Annette. She's 66. When she came to see us last year she had a goal to serve a mission. Pain in her knees was holding her back. Weight gain wasn't helping her knees. Acupuncture was the winning combination to help her reach her goals. 

The AcuPlus Weight Loss Program™ helped Annette lose 25+ pounds. Not only has she lost weight, but she has gained her freedom. She is now living pain free from chronic knee pain, and has so much energy to do the things she loves.

We are having so much fun hearing about the adventures she is now enjoying on her mission!

Meet Robin

Meet Robin. She's 34. She's been struggling with weight gain from "the mom life". She had baby number one. Then she had twins. She's a busy traveling career mom. COVID hit. The rest was history. Weight gain led to chronic pain. She needed a program that would work for her lifestyle.

The AcuPlus Weight Loss Program changed everything for her. She lost her weight. Her chronic pain is gone. She feels amazing. And she continues to lose during maintenance. 

What you do next matters.
Make a commitment to change your life now.
Lose the weight. Feel great!

You now have TWO options.

NOTE: The DIY version of this program was created because we had an overwhelming request from those who lived outside of the area. If possible, we recommend that you find an acupuncturist where you live to enhance the benefits of the program. If that's not an option, the program will still work. (Said the guy who "accidentally lost 30 pounds" because he did the program with his wife!)

All the Pieces...

➤An Eating Program—which includes real food you can purchase from a normal grocery store to rid your body of inflammation and lose weight. 

➤Supplements—so that your body has the best foundation for success in the program. 

➤Weekly Checkin—weekly accountability to keep you on track and motivated. 

➤Cooking Tips and Tricks—so that when this program is over you have mad cooking skills that will help you to be successful for life.

➤Tools to Work Through Emotional Baggage—from two doctors who specialize in treating emotions which lead to chronic health conditions.

➤Mentors and Accountability—doctors who know and understand your unique circumstances, who will lovingly push you in the right direction so that you can reach your weight goal. 

➤A Clear Path to Maintenance—so that when you are done with the program you have the resources to maintain your new weight and/or keep going beyond your first 20+ pounds.

➤Patient Education—Pre-recorded educational videos so that you can learn new tips and tricks to help you succeed.

➤Local: Weekly Acupuncture—to boost your metabolism and stimulate your lymphatic system as well as help your body to effectively release fat and toxins. 

➤Local: AcuGraph Analysis—so that we can measure the imbalances in your acupuncture pathways at the beginning and the end of your journey to show you how much your body has changed during your transformation. 

➤Local: Frequency Specific Microcurrent—to regulate current emotions and help you release old emotions to help with longterm weight regulation. 

➤Local: Ozone Therapy—to jumpstart your body on a cellular level to boost your immune system, oxygenate your blood, and reduce pain and inflammation.

Our Signature Weight Loss Program

The program PLUS Acupuncture–for those who live local.


This program is right for you if...

You live within one hour of our clinic.

✅ You experience chronic pain and inflammation.

✅ You are ready to lose 20+ pounds. 

The DIY Weight Loss Program

The program shipped to you–for those who live out of town..


This program is right for you if...

✅ You live far away from our clinic.

✅ You experience chronic pain and inflammation.  

✅ You are ready to lose 20+ Pounds 

Meet your healthcare team.

My name is Dr. Kimberly Thompson and I run my clinical practice Meridian Family Acupuncture in Meridian, ID.

I have been practicing acupuncture for over 25 years. I specialize in: Chronic Pain, Fibromyalgia, Neuropathy, Emotions, and WEIGHT LOSS.

Emotions are my favorite. I have seen first hand how miraculously unblocking stuck emotions can have a positive effect on a person's health. There isn't a day in my clinic that we are not helping resolve some type of emotional pain leading 


My name is Dr. Stephanie Johnson and I run MD AcuMed Integrative Health clinic in Kensington, MD, in the metro DC suburbs.

The secret to my success is discovering and treating the emotional component to dis-ease and physical ailments. I have worked with emotions in mental health, healthcare, acupuncture, and teaching for more than 25 years.

My specialty is chronic pain, autoimmune disorders, women's health, neuropathy, and WEIGHT LOSS. 

Frequently Asked Questions

The signature in house version was created for patients who are overwhelmed with inflammation that is leading to chronic pain. 

The DIY version was developed two years later because we had an overwhelming request from distance friends and family members who noticed the amazing changes for those who did our in house program. 

We recommend that if you do the DIY version that you find an acupuncturist near you. BUT–we have had many spouses "accidentally lose" weight while they supported a family member on the program. 

Woohoo, fast results happen when you commit to the program guidelines. You can expect to lose 1-3 pounds or more in your first week! Over the course of the 6-weeks, people experience an average loss of 20 pounds or more.

Absolutely! By following our step-by-step plan that combines intermittent fasting, regular acupuncture treatments, weekly zoom accountability calls, and a holistic health approach-all while eating low insulin, nutrient dense foods, people dropped several pounds over the 6-weeks. Over the course of the program, you can expect changes to your biochemistry, hormone rebalancing, metabolism resetting and fat and toxin removal while retaining your muscles.

ACUPUNCTURE is the difference! Balancing your body with acupuncture is one of the key missing pieces in all the weight loss programs out there. 

Our AcuPlus Weight Loss Program™ is designed to help balance your metabolism, flush out toxins, reduce inflammation, and balance your entire body to create the environment for optimal weight loss. 

We know you tried ALL the things. You’ve probably tried some of the things in our program. What you haven’t tried YET, is this combination. When done right, our combination works! Acupuncture, frequency specific microcurrent, ozone, and nutrition. 

We provide you with everything you need to succeed! AND, there is absolutely no calorie counting after day 3 and no exercise from day 1!

Say what??? 

Focusing solely on weight loss will not give you a long-term solution. But, no worries - we give you the tools you need to help with all areas of your life, from transforming your mindset to mental health to emotions-the list goes on. This is more than a six-week weight loss program, this is a lifestyle change that will rock your world! 

Unlike other programs, we are doctors who guide and monitor your progress, offering suggestions and daily motivation to keep you inspired and on track. By offering you a multiple modalities approach, you will notice your body come into balance quicker than ever before, all while experiencing accelerated weight loss.

The AcuPlus Weight Loss Program™ is designed using a high, nutrient dense, low-insulin and low-calorie approach created with nutritionists to manage your blood sugar and keep you feeling fuller without experiencing hunger cues. The core component of the program works to change your biochemistry and the physiology of how your body processes and removes fats and toxins, thus enabling more effective and accelerated weight loss. As you consume fewer calories than you expend, it prompts your body to metabolize fat more efficiently and utilize it as energy. 

Since weight loss is more than just the food you eat, we use several modalities to get you the results you want using a comprehensive, holistic approach. Participants are 3 x more likely to succeed when they have accountability and motivation working one-on-one with a practitioner and as part of a community. What sets us apart is that we are the FIRST program to incorporate a food plan with the following–and consistently get results!

Weekly acupuncture—to boost your metabolism and stimulate your lymphatic system to help your body to effectively release fat and toxins. 

PLUS Frequency Specific Microcurrent—to regulate current emotions and help you release old emotions to help with long-term weight regulation. 

PLUS Ozone Therapy—to jumpstart your body on a cellular level to  boost your immune system, oxygenate your blood, and reduce pain and inflammation. 

An Eating Program—which includes real food you can purchase from a normal grocery store to rid your body of inflammation and lose weight. 

AcuGraph Analysis—so that we can measure the imbalances in your acupuncture pathways at the beginning and the end of your journey to show you how much your body has changed during your transformation. 

Supplements—which are customized based on your personal AcuGraph analysis, so that your body has the best foundation for success in the program. 

Daily Check-ins—daily accountability and support to keep you on track and motivated. 

Cooking Tips and Tricks—so that when this program is over you have mad cooking skills that will help you to be successful for life.

You will eat a high, nutrient dense, low-insulin and low-caloric diet that includes a variety of whole foods - vegetables, fruits and protein. You will focus on portion size control and intermittent fasting while eating fresh foods with no added sweeteners or colors. Of course, a little sweetness and indulgence goes a long way and you will learn how to satisfy that sweet tooth. The good news is, there is no calorie counting, only portion control which will shock you when you see how much food you will eat. 

Most definitely! There is a way to accomplish and eat the necessary nutrients for any of these diets. If you get stuck, we are here to help you craft a meal plan to support your weight loss goals. 

You will discover how amazing and quickly your body has the ability to heal, rebalance and adjust as you begin to lose weight. Many chronic conditions reverse as the pounds drop away. The biggest benefit is lower blood sugar levels, lower blood pressure, reduced cholesterol and a decreased chance of developing diabetes. Those experincing perimenopausal or menopausal symptoms have fewer hot flashes, improved sleep, less irritability, increased sex drive, reduced menopausal belly and less vaginal dryness. All huge wins in our book! And, of course, a smaller and happier YOU!

You won’t be left on your own! We have your covered.

Once the program is complete, you won’t be left wondering how in the world you are going to maintain and keep your new weight. You will receive continued support and guidance on the maintenance program that helps transition and teach you how to slowly reintroduce foods while not derailing your progress. This portion of the program is meant to give you the much needed confidence and encouragement to maintain healthy eating and a balanced lifestyle.

Throughout the 6-week course, you will learn strategies, techniques and habits for continued success to use long after completing the program. 

You will: 

  1. Learn which foods are anti-inflammatory and low-insulin and why it matters
  2.  Discover how your body reacts to certain foods - both good and bad. Along with ways to counter inflammatory responses
  3. Create a self-care plan that supports mental and physical well-being
  4. Establish your new weight set point and hold it there
  5. Transform your mindset while releasing negative body and weight beliefs
  6. Learn how to prepare and make the right food portions 

Our goal is to make sure you have all the tools you need to continue being successful-not only with weight loss, but also in living and leading a healthy, vibrant life. You will have a clear plan on how to move forward! 

Don’t worry, we have you covered. Many people are overwhelmed and daunted by any aspect of cooking. The good news is that we provide really easy, quick recipes that can be created in less than 20 minutes, using simple ingredients with as much or little spice as you like. We introduce a system that minimizes prep and cook time, while focusing on all the right ingredients.

This program is not covered by insurance. 

You are way ahead if you’ve been seeing us for acupuncture. The AcuPlus Weight Loss Program™ is a separate program from your other acupuncture treatment plan and has an additional fee to participate.

That’s wonderful news! Studies show when family members participate together, the added accountability and support sets you up for greater weight loss success.

You will receive supplements uniquely customized based on your personal AcuGraph analysis, so that your body has the best foundation for success in the program. These supplements will support your metabolism, stabilize blood sugar, and increase detoxification. Your body is much more efficient at converting stored fat into energy when combined with supplements and The AcuPlus Weight Loss Program Approved Food List. All supplements are 100% sourced and made in the United States and meet the FDA Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMPs) and Code of Federal Regulations (CFRs) for your safety.

The AcuPlus Weight Loss Program™ is designed for anyone ages 13 and up. Young people may participate if they have no health conditions other than seasonal allergies or asthma with their parent’s permission and signed consent. 

Yes, this is a fantastic program for those diagnosed with diabetes. Following our program can help improve and regulate your blood sugar levels.

This program is not recommended for pregnant or nursing women. Yes, we know you want to get back to your old body. We truly feel you and we are here to help you reach those goals when you are finished breastfeeding. 

If you are not breastfeeding, we do require all mothers of newborns to wait until 6 weeks postpartum to join our program. 

Absolutely none. Exercise creates havoc for women’s hormones and is the true culprit that stalls metabolism and prevents weight loss. Research shows exercise doesn’t help you lose weight but it will help you to maintain weight loss once it’s reached. This is caused by metabolic compensation that conserves and regulates how the body responds to exercise. When you exercise, it puts your body into fight and flight mode that turns off your ability to burn fat which is the exact opposite of what you want to happen when losing weight!

Utilize the power of ACUPUNCTURE to...
Lose Weight 
Stop Inflammation
Feel Better

I'm ready to lose weight now!

Conveniently located in Meridian, Idaho...

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Meridian Family Acupuncture
1879 North Lakes Place
Meridian, ID 83646

We treat patients of all ages, but we especially love treating the 55 and up community. We specialize in all things "Golden Years": Chronic Pain, Emotions, Weight Loss, Bladder Control, and MORE! Click below to learn  more about how we can help you!